What is Hämäläis-Osakunta?

Hämäläis-Osakunta (Tavastia Nation) is a student organisation within the University of Helsinki. We have approximately 1000 members from multidisciplinary fields of study and from different backgrounds. All students enrolled at the University of Helsinki can join Hämäläis-Osakunta. 

Originally Hämäläis-Osakunta was established in 1653 to serve the social purposes of those students of the University of Helsinki who came from the Tavastia region. Today, the nation revolves around social activities of all students. More information on the nations here.


What do we offer?

  • a community for your student days in Helsinki
  • an academic library
  • different activities, for example a dance club, big band, choir, parties, excursions, sport clubs and cultural activities
  • a four-storey building dedicated entirely for our members’ use, located in downtown Helsinki, right next to the Kamppi Shopping Center
  • a beautiful summer house for the summer months
  • low-rental student housing in Helsinki

Interested? On how to join, click the How to join us section.

How to get there?

You will find us and our house on Urho Kekkosen Katu 4-6 D, Kamppi, Helsinki. The doors are open on office hours. During the restaurant opening hours, entrance is possible through the restaurant using the D-entrance next to Tavastia-klubi. At other times, entrance is through the F-gateway (1) next to the Walkers café, followed by an iron gate (2) and then stairs to the inner courtyard and the entrance door (3). This entrance leads to the second floor of the building; the office is located on the third floor and can be reached easily by climbing any stairs up one floor.

You can register as a member during office hours.

The main officers (päävirkailijat) Director, Secretary and Treasurer have office hours (click to go to the calendar) at the office in the 3rd floor of the house during the semesters. 

Members may acquire a magnetic key in exchange for a €15 deposit to access the house outside the office hours.

You can reach all the three officers below during their hours at +358 9 2522 5500.

  • Executive Director (toiminnanohjaaja): Lassi Koistinen
  • Secretary (sihteeri): Eetu Raunio
  • Treasurer (taloudenhoitaja): Suvi Taipale

Apartment-related questions? Contact HYS

No one of the abovementioned officers deals with apartment-related matters in any way. Therefore, if you have any questions about applications, rent payment, etc., please check the websites of the Häme Students Foundation (in Finnish, Hämäläisten ylioppilassäätiö or HYS) or contact the foundation’s Housing Coordinator Tiitus Tuohikorpi (tiitus.tuohikorpi(a)hys.net).