All students enrolled at the University of Helsinki can join Hämäläis-Osakunta.

In order for you to be a member, you have to register at the office of Hämäläis-Osakunta every academic year. You can pay the membership fee in advance or during your registration visit. If you are a Bachelor’s or Master’s student at the University of Helsinki, you can register as a member by visiting the office during the office hours or, alternatively in September, during the Tutors’ hours (named ”Fuksipäivystys” or ”Jäsenpäivystys” in the calendar). If you are a postgraduate student at the University of Helsinki, please read further details below.

Check our accurate office hours from here.

The membership is yearly and has to be re-issued at the beginning of each academic year.

Students of the University of Helsinki

The membership fee for all students of the University of Helsinki is €12 per academic year. You can pay the membership fee:

  • While visiting the office (cash and card payment accepted)
  • In conjunction with paying the membership fee of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY)

If you have paid the fee in conjunction with paying the Student Union’s membership fee, you will only have to verify the payment by logging into Sisu.

Bachelor’s & Master’s students

When you visit the office to register, you will you student card with you.

On request, the membership has to be proven with a valid membership sticker on a valid student card. Therefore, if you don’t have your student card with you, you can nevertheless register if you can verify both your student status and your membership fee payment. However, you have to visit the office later with the student card to get the sticker. If you don’t have a physical student card, you will get a temporary membership card from the office.

Postgraduate students

When you register for the first time as a postgraduate student, you will need either the postgraduate student’s card or the certificate of acceptance to postgraduate studies.

When you visit the office to register for the first time as a postgraduate student, you will get the membership sticker attached to your postgraduate student card; if you don’t have a postgraduate student card (and you won’t acquire it in the future), you will be given a postgraduate membership card where the photograph and the membership sticker will be attached. If you don’t have the postgraduate student card (and you won’t acquire it), you can do your first postgraduate registration only during the Secretary’s office hours. If you have the postgraduate student card, you can also register at any other officer’s hours.

Associate Membership (students not in the University of Helsinki)

Students enrolled at Aalto University, University of Arts Helsinki, Hanken School of Economics or National Defence University and with tangible connections to the Häme region, can apply for associate membership. For more information on associate membership, please contact Secretary (sihteeri, sihteeri(a)